Sunday, September 4

My Beef With the Harry Potter Series

1. Pumpkin juice. PUMPKIN JUICE! Who in the history of the world drinks liquid pumpkins, especially as a staple beverage.

2. That Harry never ever sent Hermione or Ron a birthday card. And the mere fact that Hermione's birthday was never even mentioned in the entire series. What makes Harry so special? He's only the orphaned boy that survived the killing curse when he was two.

3. When McGonagall, Dumbledore, Snape, and Sprout set up obstacles that are supposed to be uncrossable, but three eleven-year-olds get past them.

4. That they only sing the school song in Harry's first year. What is the meaning of this?! I loved that song.

5. That Hermione never once used her time turner to get an extra hour of sleep. They mention her being tired. Why can't she take a nap? Or two nights' worth of sleep?

6. When Trevor mysteriously disappeared from the series. He was my favorite frog in Harry Potter, albeit the only frog.

7. Dragonhide gloves. Don't they know PETA will be on their case?

8. That Harry and Ginny named their children after James and Sirius and even Snape for crying out loud, but not a single child was named after Lupin? There seems to be a missing marauder here, and I'm not talking about Wormtail. Just wait until the full moon, Harry.

9. That Dumbledore calls Tom Riddle "Voldemort." If he knows Voldemort is Tom Riddle, why wouldn't he call him by his given name?

And finally 10. The fact that Harry got fifty points deducted for being out of bed past his curfew, but he only received five for beating up a mountain troll and sixty for defeating Lord Voldemort.

And I'm totally kidding. Harry Potter is absolutely my favorite book series ever. Don't take me seriously.

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