What the bloody hell is that?
How many times have you read the books, Sammie?When I was a wee tot at the ripe young age of first grade, I found a copy of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone in my mum's closet. It was obvious it hadn't been read before, because like myself, my mother is an obsessive spinebreaker. So I stole it. And read it. And fell in love. I actually read most of the series with my mum, or had her read it to me before bed, and I recently found out that she used to sneak the books from my room and read ahead at night. This series means a lot to me and just about everyone else who has read it. It will pretty much always be ranked number one on my list of favorite books, and I'd like to share that. Oh yeah, and I am from the part of the world that read the Sorcerer's Stone, not the Philosopher's.
Uhhh, many. So much so that they resemble those novels you find in your grandma's attic. The ones that are decrepit and have yellow pages and are missing half of their covers and fall apart when you touch them and smell like they belong in the Smithsonian. They definitely fall under the category of "heavily loved." It's probably unfair to my other books.
What Hogwarts house are you, Sammie?
While I spent a lot of my elementary years believing I was a tried and true Gryffindor, and as much as I would love to be in the house of the lion, I'm not. And I'm not the steadfastly loyal, patient or fair, so Hufflepuff was nixed. I really think if I were in a house I would be with the Ravenclaws. Go eagles. Of course, I wouldn't know for sure because I never received my Hogwarts letter—er, Pottermore e-mail (clearly still bitter about that one).
Can I read these without reading the books?
Why would you want to, though? That being said, these might be spoilerific, so no. But run immediately to your bookstore/library and grab the first one right now. I promise you won't regret it.Which is your favorite book?
I wrote a couple of blog posts last year discussing which ones were my favorites, but I tend to change my mind a lot. Indecisive. My favorite all through Elementary school was, without a doubt, Goblet of Fire. Then, right before sixth grade, Deathly Hallows came out, and that was my favorite. I also really liked Prisoner of Azkaban as well, though. In middle school I had a romantic phase; thus, I loved Half-Blood Prince the most. But now, I think I'm leaning more toward Goblet of Fire, again. That was a really long explanation, but for now, my most favoritest is Goblet of Fire. Who knows, though? It could change by next Monday. I really love them all so much, it's like asking which child is my favorite.
Table of Contents:
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
XXX. The Very Secret Diary
XXXI. Cornelius Fudge
XXXII. Aragog
XXXIII. The Chamber of Secrets
XXXIV. The Heir of Slytherin
XXXV. Dobby's Reward
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
XXXVI. Owl Post
XXXVII. Aunt Marge's Big Mistake
XXXVIII. The Knight Bus
XXXIX. The Leaky Cauldron
XL. The Dementor
XLI. Talons and Tea Leaves
XLII. The Boggart in the Wardrobe
XLIII. Flight of the Fat Lady
XLIV. Grim Defeat
XLV. The Marauder's Map
XLVI. The Firebolt
XLVII. The Patronus
XLVIII. Gryffindor Versus Ravenclaw
XLIX. Snape's Grudge
L. The Quidditch Final
LI. Professor Trelawney's Prediction
LII. Cat, Rat, and Dog
LIII. Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs
LIV. The Servant of Lord Voldemort
LV. The Dementor's Kiss
LVI. Hermione's Secret
LVII. Owl Post Again
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
LVIII. The Riddle House
LIX. The Scar
LX. The Invitation
LXI. Back to the Burrow
LXII. Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes
LXIII. The Portkey
LXIV. Bagman and Crouch
LXV. The Quidditch World Cup
LXVI. The Dark Mark
LXVII. Mayhem at the Ministry
LXVIII. Aboard the Hogwarts Express
LXIX. The Triwizard Tournament
LXX. Mad-Eye Moody
LXXI. The Unforgivable Curses
LXXII. Beauxbatons and Durmstrang
LXXIII. The Goblet of Fire
LXXIV. The Four Champions
LXXV. The Weighing of Wands
LXXVI. The Hungarian Horntail
LXXVII. The First Task
LXXVIII. The House-Elf Liberation Front
LXXIX. The Unexpected Task
LXXX. The Yule Ball
LXXXI. Rita Skeeter's Scoop
LXXXII. The Egg and the Eye
LXXXIII. The Second Task
LXXXIV. Padfoot Returns
LXXXV. The Madness of Mr. Crouch
LXXXVI. The Dream
LXXXVII. The Pensieve
LXXXVIII. The Third Task
LXXXIX. Flesh, Blood, and Bone
XC. The Death Eaters
XCI. Priori Incantatem
XCII. Veritaserum
XCIII. The Parting of the Ways
XCIV. The Beginning
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
XCV. Dudley Demented
XCVI. A Peck of Owls
XCVII. The Advance Guard
XCVIII. Number Twelve, Grimmauld Place
XCIX. The Order of the Phoenix
C. The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black
CI. The Ministry of Magic
CII. The Hearing
CIII. The Woes of Mrs. Weasley
CIV. Luna Lovegood
CV. The Sorting Hat's New Song
CVI. Professor Umbridge
CVII. Detention With Dolores
CVIII. Percy and Padfoot
CIX. The Hogwarts High Inquisitor
CX. In the Hog's Head
CXI. Educational Decree Number Twenty-Four
CXII. Dumbledore's Army
CXIII. The Lion and the Serpent
CXIV. Hagrid's Tale
CXV. The Eye of the Snake
CXVI. St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries
CXVII. Christmas on the Closed Ward
CXVIII. Occlumency
CXIX. The Beetle at Bay
CXX. Seen and Unforeseen
CXXI. The Centaur and the Sneak
CXXII. Snape's Worst Memory
CXXIII. Career Advice
CXXIV. Grawp
CXXVI. Out of the Fire
CXXVII. Fight and Flight
CXXVIII. The Department of Mysteries
CXXIX. Beyond the Veil
CXXX. The Only One He Ever Feared
CXXXI. The Lost Prophecy
CXXXII. The Second War Begins
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
CXXXIII. The Other Minister
CXXXIV. Spinner's End
CXXXV. Will and Won't
CXXXVI. Horace Slughorn
CXXXVII. An Excess of Phlegm
CXXXVIII. Draco's Detour
CXXXIX. The Slug Club
CXL. Snape Victorious
CXLI. The Half-Blood Prince
CXLII. The House of Gaunt
CXLIII. Hermione's Helping Hand
CXLIV. Silver and Opals
CXLV. The Secret Riddle
CXLVI. Felix Felicis
CXLVII. The Unbreakable Vow
CXLVIII. A Very Frosty Christmas
CXLIX. A Sluggish Memory
CL. Birthday Surprises
CLI. Elf Tails
CLII. Lord Voldemort's Request
CLIII. The Unknowable Room
CLIV. After the Burial
CLV. Horcruxes
CLVI. Sectumsempra
CLVII. The Seer Overhead
CLVIII. The Cave
CLIX. The Lightening-Struck Tower
CLX. Flight of the Prince
CLXI. The Phoenix Lament
CLXII. The White Tomb
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
CLXIII. The Dark Lord Ascending
CLXIV. In Memoriam
CLXV. The Dursleys Departing
CLXVI. The Seven Potters
CLXVII. Fallen Warrior
CLXVIII. The Ghoul in Pajamas
CLXIX. The Will of Albus Dumbledore
CLXX. The Wedding
CLXXI. A Place To Hide
CLXXII. Kreacher's Tale
CLXXIII. The Bribe
CLXXIV. Magic is Might
CLXXV. The Muggle-born Registration Commission
CLXXVI. The Thief
CLXXVII. The Goblin's Revenge
CLXXVIII. Godric's Hollow
CLXXIX. Bathilda's Secret
CLXXX. The Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore
CLXXXI. The Silver Doe
CLXXXII. Xenophilius Lovegood
CLXXXIII. The Tale of the Three Brothers
CLXXXIV. The Deathly Hallows
CLXXXV. Malfoy Manor
CLXXXVI. The Wandmaker
CLXXXVII. Shell Cottage
CLXXXVIII. Gringotts
CLXXXIX. The Final Hiding Place
CXC. The Missing Mirror
CXCI. The Lost Diadem
CXCII. The Sacking of Severus Snape
CXCIII. The Battle of Hogwarts
CXCIV. The Elder Wand
CXCV. The Prince's Tale
CXCVI. The Forest Again
CXCVII. King's Cross
CXCVIII. The Flaw in the Plan