Saturday, September 10

Favorite Words

I have a list of favorite words. Without further ado and in no particular order:

enigma :: It's an enigma to me, but this word speaks to me. It's disastrously cooler than saying mystery.

crisp :: Crisp music. Crisp crunching of leaves. Crisp opening of a soda can. It's such a lovely onomatopoeia. (For the record, I spelled onomatopoeia without the use of Mr. Red Squiggly Line.) (For the record, I spelled record wrong though.)

threefold :: Fourscore and seven years ago, my apartment's rent increased threefold.

lunatic :: It is one thing to call yourself weird. Weird is so overused that it's an actually deprecating self-deprecation. If, however, you can call yourself a lunatic and pull it off, you're loony. And awesome.

prattling :: Whatever comes out of my mouth can only be classified as prattling.

masticate :: Who wants to chew their food when they can masticate it? And if you happen upon one of those people who doesn't know what mastication is, they'll probably mistake it for another word and think you're crazy. Having people think I'm crazy is the main goal of high school—at least for me.

raze :: Everyone's all down for raising the roof, but as soon as you mention razing it they get nervous and call the police.

callipygian :: Just an awesome, awesome word. To be used at least one a day—caustically obviously.

moist :: It's not really that I think this word is better than any of the others; in fact, I think it's strictly average. But knowing that other people think it's such a revolting word makes me laugh.

The annoying prattler strikes again.

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