Tuesday, February 21

Flower Power: Twilight-y Book Covers

Whilst browsing among the young adult section at my local Barnes and Noble, I frequently come across Twilight-ish covers. You know the ones, fancy print, black background, flower on the cover. Dark and brooding. And as hideously irrelevant as this particular flowery cover is, I have to say this is a great marketing ploy. Giving teenagers classics wrapped in pretty flowers and phrases like "Bella and Edward's Favorite Book" is a great way to get people to read out of their vampire-werewolf comfort zone.

So yes, you could (melodramatically) argue that "TWILIGHT IS RUINING MY JANE EYRE! DIE, BELLA, DIE!" but if more people are reading it because it was stamped with a pretty pink having-nothing-to-do-with-the-story flower, then isn't that a good thing? Plus, a cover like this one is way better than a movie poster cover, which just—bleurck—ruins half the fun of reading, making up in your mind what the characters look like.

Classics covered in Twilight-y book covers and stuck on the young adult shelves get my stamp of approval (not that that holds any weight anywhere). And if you still hate the covers but love the innards, there's always the library or eBay. Remember what your local librarian always tells you, "don't judge a book by it's cover, kiddies" and "it's what's on the inside that counts" and "never fly a kite near a power line."

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